Immigration Evaluation Fee: $900
3 Week Additional Rush Fee: $350 ($1350=$900+$350)

2 Week Additional Rush Fee: $550 ($1350=$900+$450)
Immigration Evaluations
An Immigration Psychological Evaluation is psychological assessment that is used to help immigration courts determine whether an individual will be able to remain lawfully in the United States.
An immigration evaluation begins with a consultation with your attorney to gather pertinent information about your case and its specific legal issues. The immigration evaluation itself includes in-depth interviews that occur over the course of two 90 minute interviews. During the assessment process, the therapist will ask you questions about yourself and your immigration case to include specific immigration concerns, your personal, marital and family history, work history, as well as medical and psychiatric history as they pertain to the case.
This is a U Nonimmigrant Status for individuals who have been victims of qualifying crimes. Common examples of criminal activities: Abduction. Physical abuse. Kidnapping. Domestic violence. Witness tampering. Emotional abuse. Extortion. Torture. Genital mutilation. Felonious assault. Blackmail. Trafficking. Sexual abuse. Hostage. Rape.
T visa stands for trafficking. A T-Visa can be granted to victims of human trafficking and their immediate families. A psychological evaluation can be helpful in highlighting the specific hardship issues related to the case. It is also not uncommon for individuals to develop depressive disorders or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of their experiences.
VAWA stands for the Violence Against Women Act, which was passed by Congress in 1994. One thing VAWA did was create a special route to lawful immigration status for victims of domestic abuse who normally must rely on their abusers to file for status for them. VAWA self-petitioning allows victims of abuse who are close relatives of US citizens and lawful permanent residents to file for status on their own.
Psychological evaluations serve to document the impact of mistreatment, abuse, or persecution inflicted in a foreign country.
Hardship Waivers
A qualifying relative who is a citizen or resident of the United States may suffer extreme hardship or suffer exceptional and extremely unusual hardship upon separation from a relative who is a foreigner or upon relocation abroad to be with the foreigner.
What is the process of getting an immigration evaluation?
Two 90-minute interview appointments with the person being evaluated scheduled at least one week apart from each other.

Follow-up telephone communication regarding any missing information from the interview. 

Collateral communication with the attorney/paralegal on the case.

The written draft will be sent to the attorney/paralegal to cross-reference and confirm information (i.e. dates and names).

A copy of the finalized evaluation will be mailed to the attorney/paralegal and another copy will be sent to the client.

Written consent to communicate with the attorney/paralegal on the case is required in order to complete the evaluation. Please consult with an attorney regarding the type of evaluation that is recommended for your case and whether or not one is required for your case.
Rescheduling/canceling appointments may delay the turnaround time for the evaluation. Typically, evaluations are completed in 4-5 weeks.
First half of payment is due at the end of the first interview. The second half of payment is due at the end of second interview. Payment could be made via Credit Card or Cash.
We do not engage in court appearances.